Module Elm_object

module Elm_object: sig .. end
Elementary Object Manipulation

type item 


val cursor_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val cursor_get : Evas.obj -> string
val cursor_unset : Evas.obj -> unit
val cursor_style_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val cursor_style_get : Evas.obj -> string
val cursor_theme_search_enabled_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val cursor_theme_search_enabled_get : Evas.obj -> bool


val tree_dump : Evas.obj -> unit
val tree_dot_dump : Evas.obj -> string -> unit


val focus_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val focus_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val focus_allow_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val focus_allow_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val focus_custom_chain_set : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj list -> unit
val focus_custom_chain_unset : Evas.obj -> unit
val focus_custom_chain_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj list
val focus_custom_chain_append : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option -> unit
val focus_custom_chain_prepend : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option -> unit
val focus_next : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_direction -> unit
val focus_next_object_get : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_direction -> Evas.obj option
val focus_next_object_set : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option -> Elm.focus_direction -> unit
val focused_object_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option
val tree_focus_allow_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val tree_focus_allow_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val focus_highlight_style_set : Evas.obj -> string -> bool
val focus_highlight_style_get : Evas.obj -> string
val focused_item_get : Evas.obj -> item option
val item_focus_set : item -> bool -> unit
val item_focus_get : item -> bool
val focus_next_item_get : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_direction -> item option
val focus_next_item_set : Evas.obj -> item -> Elm.focus_direction -> unit
val focus_move_policy_set : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_move_policy -> unit
val focus_move_policy_get : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_move_policy
val focus_region_show_mode_set : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_region_show_mode -> unit
val focus_region_show_mode_get : Evas.obj -> Elm.focus_region_show_mode
val focus_move_policy_automatic_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val focus_move_policy_automatic_get : Evas.obj -> bool


type select_mode = [ `always | `default | `display_only | `max | `none ] 
type item_signal_cb = item -> string -> string -> unit 
val item_of_ptr : Evas.ptr -> item
val domain_translatable_part_text_set : Evas.obj -> ?part:string -> ?domain:string -> ?text:string -> unit -> unit
val translatable_part_text_get : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> unit -> string
val domain_part_text_translatable_set : Evas.obj -> ?part:string -> ?domain:string -> bool -> unit
val text_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val part_text_set : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> string -> unit
val text_get : Evas.obj -> string
val part_text_get : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> unit -> string
val content_set : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj -> unit
val part_content_set : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> Evas.obj -> unit
val part_content_set_null : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> unit -> unit
val part_content_get : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> unit -> Evas.obj
val content_unset : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj
val part_content_unset : Evas.obj -> ?p:string -> unit -> Evas.obj
val access_info_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val access_info_get : Evas.obj -> string
val name_find : Evas.obj -> string -> int -> Evas.obj option
val signal_emit : Evas.obj -> string -> string -> unit
val signal_callback_add : Evas.obj -> string -> string -> Edje.signal_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add : Evas.obj -> Elm.event_cb -> unit
val orientation_mode_disabled_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val orientation_mode_disabled_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val item_widget_get : item -> Evas.obj
val item_content_set : item -> Evas.obj -> unit
val item_part_content_set : item -> ?p:string -> Evas.obj -> unit
val item_part_content_get : item -> ?p:string -> unit -> Evas.obj
val item_part_content_unset : item -> ?p:string -> unit -> Evas.obj
val item_text_set : item -> string -> unit
val item_part_text_set : item -> ?p:string -> string -> unit
val item_text_get : item -> string
val item_part_text_get : item -> ?p:string -> unit -> string
val item_domain_translatable_part_text_set : item -> ?p:string -> ?d:string -> ?t:string -> unit -> unit
val item_translatable_part_text_get : item -> ?p:string -> unit -> string
val item_domain_part_text_translatable_set : item -> ?p:string -> ?d:string -> bool -> unit
val item_access_info_set : item -> string -> unit
val item_access_register : item -> Evas.obj
val item_access_unregister : item -> unit
val item_access_object_get : item -> Evas.obj
val item_access_order_set : item -> Evas.obj list -> unit
val item_access_order_get : item -> Evas.obj list
val item_access_order_unset : item -> unit
val item_signal_emit : item -> string -> string -> unit
val item_signal_callback_add : item -> string -> string -> item_signal_cb -> unit
val item_del : item -> unit
val item_tooltip_text_set : item -> string -> unit
val item_tooltip_content_cb_set : item -> item Elm.tooltip_item_content_cb -> unit
val item_tooltip_unset : item -> unit
val item_tooltip_style_set : item -> string -> unit
val item_tooltip_style_get : item -> string
val item_cursor_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val item_cursor_unset : Evas.obj -> unit
val item_cursor_style_set : item -> string -> unit
val item_cursor_style_get : item -> string
val item_cursor_engine_only_set : item -> bool -> unit
val item_cursor_engine_only_get : item -> bool
val item_track : item -> Evas.obj
val item_untrack : item -> unit
val item_track_get : item -> int
val item_style_set : item -> string -> unit
val item_style_get : item -> string
type t_addx = ?size_hint:Evas_object.size_hint list ->
?size:int * int ->
?pos:int * int ->
?win:Evas.obj ->
?inwin:Evas.obj ->
?box:Evas.obj ->
?content_of:Evas.obj ->
?packing:(Evas.obj -> unit) ->
?text:string ->
?content:Evas.obj ->
?style:string ->
?color:int * int * int * int ->
?part_text:(string * string) list ->
?part_content:(string * Evas.obj) list ->
?cb:Evas_object_smart.sig_with_cb list -> ?show:bool -> Evas.obj -> Evas.obj
val create_addx : (Evas.obj -> Evas.obj) -> t_addx
Used to create addx functions (except for windows). For example Elm_button.addx is the same as Elm_object.create_addx Elm_button.add

Compared to Elm_button.add, Elm_button.addx offers some optional arguments and different default values: Therefore, the difference between Elm_button.add win and Elm_button.addx win is that in the latter case:


val scroll_hold_push : Evas.obj -> unit
val scroll_hold_pop : Evas.obj -> unit
val scroll_hold_get : Evas.obj -> int
val scroll_freeze_push : Evas.obj -> unit
val scroll_freeze_pop : Evas.obj -> unit
val scroll_freeze_get : Evas.obj -> int
val scroll_lock_x_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val scroll_lock_y_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val scroll_lock_x_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val scroll_lock_y_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val scroll_lock_x_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val scroll_lock_y_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val scroll_item_loop_enabled_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val scroll_item_loop_enabled_get : Evas.obj -> bool


val mirrored_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val mirrored_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val mirrored_automatic_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val mirrored_automatic_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit

Widget Scaling

val scale_set : Evas.obj -> float -> unit
val scale_get : Evas.obj -> float


val style_set : Evas.obj -> string -> bool
val style_get : Evas.obj -> string
val disabled_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val disabled_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val item_disabled_set : item -> bool -> unit
val item_disabled_get : item -> bool


val theme_set : Evas.obj -> Elm.theme option -> unit
val theme_get : Evas.obj -> Elm.theme option

Widget Tree Navigation

val widget_check : Evas.obj -> bool
val parent_widget_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option
val top_widget_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option
val widget_type_get : Evas.obj -> string option


val tooltip_move_freeze_push : Evas.obj -> unit
val tooltip_move_freeze_pop : Evas.obj -> unit
val tooltip_move_freeze_get : Evas.obj -> int
val tooltip_show : Evas.obj -> unit
val tooltip_hide : Evas.obj -> unit
val tooltip_text_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val tooltip_content_cb_set : Evas.obj -> Elm.tooltip_content_cb -> unit
val tooltip_unset : Evas.obj -> unit
val tooltip_style_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val tooltip_style_get : Evas.obj -> string
val tooltip_window_mode_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> bool
val tooltip_window_mode_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val tooltip_orient_set : Evas.obj -> Elm.tooltip_orient -> unit
val tooltip_orient_get : Evas.obj -> Elm.tooltip_orient