Module Elm_win

module Elm_win: sig .. end

The following function is not interfaced:


type ty = [ `basic
| `combo
| `desktop
| `dialog_basic
| `dock
| `dropdown_menu
| `menu
| `naviframe_basic
| `notification
| `popup_menu
| `splash
| `toolbar
| `tooltip
| `unknown
| `utility ]
type keyboard_mode = [ `alpha
| `file
| `hex
| `host
| `ip
| `j2me
| `keypad
| `numeric
| `off
| `on
| `password
| `phone_number
| `pin
| `terminal
| `unknown
| `url ]
type indicator_mode = [ `hide | `show | `unknown ] 
type indicator_opacity_mode = [ `opacity_unknown | `opaque | `translucent | `transparent ] 
type move_resize_mode = [ `bottom | `left | `move | `right | `top ] 
type illume_command = Elm.illume_command 
val add : ?p:Evas.obj -> string -> ty -> Evas.obj
val addx : ?title:string ->
?parent:Evas.obj ->
?bg:bool ->
?autodel:bool ->
?size:int * int ->
?ty:ty ->
?cb:Evas_object_smart.sig_with_cb list -> string -> Evas.obj
An alternative to Elm_win.add.

Compared to Elm_win.add, Elm_win.addx offers more optional arguments: Therefore, the difference bewteen Elm_win.add name and Elm_win.addx name is that in the latter case there is a background in the window
val type_get : Evas.obj -> ty
val accel_preference_get : Evas.obj -> string
val fake_add : Ecore.evas -> Evas.obj
val util_standard_add : string -> string -> Evas.obj
val util_dialog_add : Evas.obj -> string -> string -> Evas.obj
val resize_object_add : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj -> unit
val resize_object_del : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj -> unit
val title_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val title_get : Evas.obj -> string
val icon_name_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val icon_name_get : Evas.obj -> string
val role_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val role_get : Evas.obj -> string
val name_get : Evas.obj -> string
val icon_object_set : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj -> unit
val icon_object_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj
val autodel_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val autodel_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val activate : Evas.obj -> unit
val lower : Evas.obj -> unit
val raise : Evas.obj -> unit
val center : Evas.obj -> bool -> bool -> unit
val borderless_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val borderless_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val shaped_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val shaped_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val alpha_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val alpha_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val override_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val override_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val fullscreen_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val fullscreen_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val main_menu_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj option
val maximized_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val maximized_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val iconified_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val iconified_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val withdrawn_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val withdrawn_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val available_profiles_set : Evas.obj -> string array -> unit
val available_profiles_get : Evas.obj -> string array
val profile_set : Evas.obj -> string -> unit
val profile_get : Evas.obj -> string
val urgent_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val urgent_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val demand_attention_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val demand_attention_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val modal_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val modal_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val aspect_set : Evas.obj -> float -> unit
val aspect_get : Evas.obj -> float
val size_base_set : Evas.obj -> int -> int -> unit
val size_base_get : Evas.obj -> int * int
val size_step_set : Evas.obj -> int -> int -> unit
val size_step_get : Evas.obj -> int * int
val layer_set : Evas.obj -> int -> unit
val layer_get : Evas.obj -> int
val norender_push : Evas.obj -> unit
val norender_pop : Evas.obj -> unit
val norender_get : Evas.obj -> int
val render : Evas.obj -> unit
val rotation_set : Evas.obj -> int -> unit
val rotation_with_resize_set : Evas.obj -> int -> unit
val rotation_get : Evas.obj -> int
val wm_rotation_supported_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val sticky_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val sticky_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val conformant_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val conformant_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val quickpanel_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val quickpanel_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val quickpanel_priority_major_set : Evas.obj -> int -> unit
val quickpanel_priority_major_get : Evas.obj -> int
val quickpanel_priority_minor_set : Evas.obj -> int -> unit
val quickpanel_priority_minor_get : Evas.obj -> int
val quickpanel_zone_set : Evas.obj -> int -> unit
val quickpanel_zone_get : Evas.obj -> int
val prop_focus_skip_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val illume_command_send : Evas.obj -> Elm.illume_command -> unit
val inlined_image_object_get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj
val noblank_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val noblank_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val focus_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val screen_constrain_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val screen_constrain_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val screen_size_get : Evas.obj -> int * int * int * int
val screen_dpi_get : Evas.obj -> int * int
val focus_highlight_enabled_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val focus_highlight_enabled_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val focus_highlight_style_set : Evas.obj -> string option -> unit
val focus_highlight_style_get : Evas.obj -> string option
val focus_highlight_animate_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val focus_highlight_animate_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val keyboard_mode_set : Evas.obj -> keyboard_mode -> unit
val keyboard_mode_get : Evas.obj -> keyboard_mode
val keyboard_win_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val keyboard_win_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val indicator_mode_set : Evas.obj -> indicator_mode -> unit
val indicator_mode_get : Evas.obj -> indicator_mode
val indicator_opacity_set : Evas.obj -> indicator_opacity_mode -> unit
val indicator_opacity_get : Evas.obj -> indicator_opacity_mode
val screen_position_get : Evas.obj -> int * int
val socket_listen : Evas.obj -> string -> int -> bool -> unit
val xwindow_get : Evas.obj -> Ecore.x_window
val wl_window_get : Evas.obj -> Ecore.wl_window
val floating_mode_set : Evas.obj -> bool -> unit
val floating_mode_get : Evas.obj -> bool
val window_id_get : Evas.obj -> Ecore.window
val move_resize_start : Evas.obj -> move_resize_mode -> bool
val get : Evas.obj -> Evas.obj